Selasa, Juni 22, 2010


Pilih Bahasa : Indonesian

Rotary Club works with Mardi Waluyo Hospital, Metro for three days, since Wednesday (17-10) held a cleft lip surgery, followed 35 patients.MORE

A woman, especially among mothers, generally have a gentle spirit, strong social life, and feelings of a sincere heart to help each other fellow human beings. MORE

Ideals are not always consistent with reality. However, the x factor it would have its own wisdom for that person. He is also Director of Rotary International Service, explained that the ideal is not achieved during his youth, but it was successful in the field that they do. MORE

Bandar Lampung (Lam-Post): President of the Rotary Club of Bandar Lampung is transferred, from Herman Gani to Lisa Silawati at Wednesday (7-7). Lisa will be leading the Rotary Club for the period 2010-2011. MORE

For the New Order officials, business and ethics are two meanings to the contrary. "Business is a dirty, immoral," like goods times are often heard. In the way of thinking, people who entered the business world must be ready to take measures that typically are considered "dirty", such as bribing to win the tender, measure and manipulate the scales to profit more, MORE

RI President John Kenny (left) presents a charter certificate to Nader Dajani, president of the Rotary Club of Ramallah, Palestine, at a charter celebration on 30 May. Photo courtesy of the Rotary Club of Ramallah Rotary International. MORE

25 years old to join the Rotary Club of Bandar Lampung (RCBL) deep memories for Onggo Wijaya. Having lots of friends in all corners of Indonesia and was involved in social activities make it survive in the organization. MORE....

President of the Rotary Club of Bandar Lampung (RCBL) Herman Gani invites college in Lampung combat thalassemia disease.
"Year 2010 RCBL will focus on public awareness program about the dangers of thalassemia. The main goal of socialization among the age RCBL is ready to get married, especially students," MORE

Telukbetung - Helping a fellow with the real efforts that can be perceived benefits is one of the mission of the Rotary Club. To that end, the Rotary Club of Bandarlampung realize the work program in 2008 by organizing various social activities. MORE

Yudi Kusuma about diving in Bunaken and experience after the meeting ended, in the framework of the month of Ramadhan and Idul Fitri 1430H RCBL and Teluk Betung jointly visited Al Banat Orphanage. MORE

It is the number one tips from Mike McGovern, 2009-10 chair of the RI Membership Development and Retention Committee and past RI vice president, about how to develop membership. McGovern said many Rotary club members who left because they did not see themselves contributing to, or feel disconnected from other members. MORE

Participation of all elements of society into the success factors of community development in Lampung. It was announced by the Governor of Lampung during the inauguration ceremony of Rotary committee in Bandar Lampung and Telukbetung Mahan Cour. MORE

Lampung Forest Service and social organization Rotary Club of Bandar Lampung cooperation in procuring sengon trees for villagers who have no farm and surrounding land tersebut.Pada domiciled in the early stages, the Rotary Club will hand over as many as 400 thousand stems sengon.. MORE

Rotary Weekly Meeting. Bandar Lampung Wed 12:00 Graha Patimura, Bandar Lampung. MORE

  © Rotary Club of Bandar Lampung by efrizal. Call (0721) 256497