Kamis, Juli 29, 2010

Pilih Bahasa: Indonesia

Not Reached

Ideals are not always consistent with reality. However, the x factor it would have its own wisdom for that person. He is also Director of Rotary International Service, explained that the ideal is not achieved during his youth, but it was successful in the field that they do.

When the school, a retired lieutenant colonel (Lt. Col.) that the Army hitch - to become an engineer. He was amazed by the professional engineer. "Initially there was no desire to become a doctor," said Onggo encountered little recalled in Graha Patimura, Monday (27-6) tonight.

When he graduated high school in 1954, Ismudiaty Vonny's husband left for the Flower City Bandung, for the education of engineers. "At that time the engineer had to go to Bandung," said 76-year-old man was accompanied by a board of the Rotary Club Bandar Lampung.

Whether luck or not, a former doctor at the Military Health Service hospital (DKT) Bandar Lampung, canceled school engineer. This caused a lot of engineering science teachers has gone from Bandung. "Finally, my father said, why be an engineer if the teacher did not exist, it is better to be a doctor," said Onggo who had served 50 years in the medical world.

Source: LAMPOST, Tuesday, July 27, 2010

  © Rotary Club of Bandar Lampung by efrizal. Call (0721) 256497