Sabtu, Mei 29, 2010

Rotary Club of Bandarlampung provide health care services to underprivileged people

Pilih Bahasa: Indonesian

Telukbetung - Helping a fellow with the real efforts that can be perceived benefits is one of the mission of the Rotary Club. To that end, the Rotary Club of Bandarlampung realize the work program in 2008 by organizing various social activities.

On Saturday (24/2) then, located in Building 3 Sumurputri SDN, District of North Telukbetung (TbU), in cooperation with the Rotary Club of Bandarlampung Mardi Waluyo Hospital Community Subingo Metro and South Korea, held a free treatment and distribution of medicines to residents of less capable of a sub TbU.

In the activity, which was opened by the mayor represented Bandarlampung Assistant III. Ir. Prayitno, conducted medical examinations, measures of treatment, surgery or minor surgery as well as providing free medicine to residents. According to the President of Rotary Club Bandarlampung Gunadi Rushadi (2008-2009), who carried out minor surgery is surgery on cleft lip in which there is a chance that the surgery residents.

"Besides, to people who perform these examinations and treatment, were also given drugs and can perform services at the RM Mardi Waluyo pascarawat Metro," he said. He mentioned the number of citizens who become the target of this activity is targeted as much as 750 people could even more.

Camat TbU Drs. Sukarman Wijaya added, residents would be eligible for free medication from the Rotary Cares is less than all the residents who had sub-TbU. "They had this before we select based on the data in each district so that the target of this activity really wearing," he said.

Added Gunadi Rushadi, in Rotary with free medical care that this second time, reduced to 20 doctors with details of 10 doctors from the hospital Mardi Waluyo Metro and 10 from Korea. According to him, previous activities have been conducted free medical clinics in the District of South Telukbetung (TBS) and in the West Telukbetung (TBB).
"Other activities will be conducted in the year 2008 is also in Bandarlampung development assistance in the form of clean water facilities that will be realized in the points that require clean water," he concluded.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

  © Rotary Club of Bandar Lampung by efrizal. Call (0721) 256497