Minggu, September 06, 2009

Benefits Webblog site rotary club

Pilih Bahasa: Indonesian

It is the number one tips from Mike McGovern, 2009-10 chair of the RI Membership Development and Retention Committee and past RI vice president, about how to develop membership. McGovern said many Rotary club members who left because they did not see themselves contributing to, or feel disconnected from other members.

"We need to be connected with the club members not only in meetings and our projects, but also outside of Rotary," he said. "Including family members and invite them to dinner or go along to watch an event."

McGovern formulates that if more clubs who use the facility assessment are available at the website of Indonesia, they can prevent more than half a resignation that occurred within the first five years of membership, effectively doubling the size and ability to serve the club.

Thus, the rotary club of port sites are important lampung existence as a means of liaison with the member

source: web rotary distric 3400, August 31, 2009

  © Rotary Club of Bandar Lampung by efrizal. Call (0721) 256497