Cleft lip surgery
Pilih Bahasa: Indonesia
Rotary Club works with Mardi Waluyo Hospital, Metro for three days, since Wednesday (17-10) held a cleft lip surgery, followed 35 patients.
Lisa Silawati, President of the Rotary Club of Bandar Lmapung, said social activities are planned to follow 100 participants. "The first phase is complete for the next stage will be held in November. If not on target, will be forwarded on to stage three, "said Lisa, Assistant Governor of Rotary Club assisted Region II Sumbagsel, Herman Gani, yesterday (28-10). Harelip operations are handled Doctors Hospital Mardi Waluyo experts.
Lisa acknowledged the operation this time was still limited outside the operation, while operating in the (transplant), because it takes a long time, will be resumed later. This social activity does not stop at a cleft lip surgery, but would continue until the candidate can really - really healed.
Lisa add social programs to citizens dioreantasikan economic sevara Lampung has its limitations. It only requires participants to attach a certificate of inadequacy. "For those who want to register, please register at the Secretariat of the Rotary Club of Bandar Lampung or call 0721-256497," said Lisa.
Meanwhile, related to Mount Merapi and the tsunami disaster in Mentawai, West Sumatra, the Rotary Club of Terah establish posts which serves to accommodate displaced residents affected by the disaster.
"In the matter of action in the Mentawai, we sent 300 units of shelter box tent merupakn versatile. Temporary, because our plans will add to suit the needs there, "said Herman Gani
Rotary Club works with Mardi Waluyo Hospital, Metro for three days, since Wednesday (17-10) held a cleft lip surgery, followed 35 patients.

Lisa acknowledged the operation this time was still limited outside the operation, while operating in the (transplant), because it takes a long time, will be resumed later. This social activity does not stop at a cleft lip surgery, but would continue until the candidate can really - really healed.
Lisa add social programs to citizens dioreantasikan economic sevara Lampung has its limitations. It only requires participants to attach a certificate of inadequacy. "For those who want to register, please register at the Secretariat of the Rotary Club of Bandar Lampung or call 0721-256497," said Lisa.
Meanwhile, related to Mount Merapi and the tsunami disaster in Mentawai, West Sumatra, the Rotary Club of Terah establish posts which serves to accommodate displaced residents affected by the disaster.
"In the matter of action in the Mentawai, we sent 300 units of shelter box tent merupakn versatile. Temporary, because our plans will add to suit the needs there, "said Herman Gani