John, Linda: About Rotary Key Massages
I am getting very concerned over this current obsession of gaining members. I understand that as an organization Rotary needs to grow its membership, but this is to deliver service to the community not, as I am starting to feel, and maybe wrongly, as a source of gaining funds.
I think we need to take a look at Rtn Lynda’s experience as there has been in her eyes at least a misalignment between her understanding of Rotary and what has actually happened. Apart from everything else that Rotary does, it is first and foremost a service organization… Service above Self. I think this is true as much for any organizational unit in Rotary as it is for Rotarians themselves.
I am sorry
I joined Rotary as a way of being involved in a charitable foundation.
Thinking I could work with some projects. However the real experince is very different.
Hence I think I should resign,