Kamis, April 22, 2010

Needs 2 things

Dear Presidents Elect and Secretaries Elect,

Setelah mengikuti PETS, maka saat ini RI memerlukan dari anda 2 hal:
After joining PETS, RI needs 2 things from you:

Membership Club Goal 2010 - 2011, fill in below:

RC ............ ......... ......... ....Club ID No.:........ ......... .... Total member now:........ ......... ......... ....
How many will your Net increase 2010-2011:.. ......... ...
How many club will you sponsor 2010-2011... ......... ....

Those who have already done, thank you. Yang belum silahkan isi dan reply to me directly.

Form M: 2010-2011 Fund Development Club Goal Report

Donations to Annual Programs Fund;
Average Amount per member: USD......... .....
2010-11 Average APF-Share Goal: USD......... .....
How many New PHF (USD 1000) : USD........ ......

2010-2011 Rotary's USD 200 Million Challenge Goal: USD......... ...... (Collective per Club)

Permanent Fund & Major Gifts Goals;
How many New Major Gifts :........... .....person
(USD 10,000 or more)
How many New Benefactors :................person
(USD.1000 for permanent fund)

Those who have sent me, thank you. and those who have not yet, please fill in and reply to me direct.

Dear Preseidents and secretary, please don't let me wait in vain, and I need to report our District D3400 Goals 2010-2011 to RI at the end of this month.

Thank you for your good co-operations, The future of Rotary is in your hands !
DGE Al Purwa

Al Purwa DG2010 D3400-Indonesia
Mob: +62.81.5570. 4444 purwa@rotary- d3400.org

  © Rotary Club of Bandar Lampung by efrizal. Call (0721) 256497