What is it... Rotary?
Pilih Bahasa: Indonesian
Bandar Lampung city at night
as Others Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self. Rotary International members have benn serving the needs of communities worldwide since 1905; Today, the 1.2 million women and men of Rotary belong to more than 33,000 clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. D-3400 Indonesia as part of Rotary International has a membership of more than 1571 people, and has 88 clubs.
Let's tell the world that Rotary is non political service organization, non religion base, and respect all races and help anyone in need in the world. What a great organization that is really needed by the world. DGE Alpurwa
(Mari kita mengatakan kepada dunia bahwa Rotary adalah layanan organisasi non politik, menjaga kerukunan beragama, menghormati semua ras, dan membantu meringankan beban yang dihadapi penduduk dunia. DG Alpurwa)
Rotary Club of Bandar Lampung (RCBL) has a membership of business and professional, men and women, with diverse interests and backgrounds, mutually committed to serving the community and contributing to a better future for our world. we pride ourselves on providing a warm and friendly welcome to all our visitors. RCBL currently has 25 active members, men and women from various professions and backgrounds. P Lisa Silawati)
The Object of RCBL is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as the basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:-
- The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service
- High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society.
- The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business and community life.
- The advancement of International understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service
- All Rotarians abide by the 'four way test' which simply states
. Is it the TRUTH?
. Is it FAIR to all Concerned?
. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The RCBL Bulletin will be enhanced as we progress along and should contain as a minimum the following Rotary International Information, RCBL News, Minutes of Previous Meeting / Attendance, Next week MEETING program, and Agenda. Club bulletin will be managed by the organisationally:PP Herman Gani, FE Gunawan Hendra, and assisted by 'Tika' the head of the secretariat RCBL
The club meetings will be made more interesting. As a start, speakers will be invited to speak about interesting topics. A more informative session on Rotary Information and Projects will be incorporated. Menu will be tailored to accommodate members' requirements. Meetings every Wednesday 12.15 at The Graha Patimura restaurant.
Weekly Meeting on Wednesday of each month is divided into: (1) fellowships in the first week of each month, at 7.00 pm; (2) SigerBox in the second week of each month, indor at 12:00 am, or outdor determined later; (3) Educational safety net in the third week of each month, indor at 12:00 am, or outdor determined later; (4) Health safety net in the fourth week of each month, indor at 12:00 am, or outdor determined later.
Club meeting will be managed by the organisationally: PP Anton Pramana, PE Gunawan Hendra, rtn Djoko Handoko Santoso, rtn Paran Bagionoto, assisted by 'Tika' the head of the secretariat RCBL
Some fellowships will be organized to coincide with important occasions. These fellowships will be targeted to fostering closer ties and interaction with families of Rotarians and other selected guests who are potential Rotarians or have supported Rotary. Fellowship atmosphere along with food and beverage requirements will be tailored to accommodate a family type event. It will incorporate events for interaction and participation of the entire family including kids. In addition to that one or two outdoor family events will be considered, such weekly exercise sessions, exotic recipe cooking classes, etc. A loosely knit support group is also being considered to mobilize support at times of tragedy etc. Fellowship will be managed by the organisationally: PE Gunawan Hendra, rtn Dananto Soeharto, rtn Djoko Handoko Santoso, rtn Alesius Bunawan, rtn Christian Chandra, rtn Akhmadi Dachlan, HM Bambang Wijaya.
SigerBox is similiar with ShelterBox. Rotary SigerBox Bandar Lampung is a part of rotary service, It is nonprofit organization dedicated to providing shelter, warmth, and comfort to survivors of disaster in lampung. Supported by Lampung citizens: individuals and organizations, including member of Rotary Clubs, other service & community groups, schools, religious groups, businesses, and small private foundations. SigerBox will be managed by the organisationally: PP Ciknan Sawak, rtn Matt Kraying, rtn Alesius Bunawan, PP Yudi Kusuma, rtn Hernawari Marjani, HM Bambang Wijaya.
In addition, to the current, email facility has been available to Rtns. This Blogsite will facilitate communication, interaction, as well as sharing and hosting of information within the club as well as with external parties. A complaints and suggestions section is also being planned to enable members to voice their grievances, issues, suggest improvements either on a confidential or disclosed basis. This blogsite is planned later be translated into four languages, Indonesian, english, french, and Portuguese. This blogsite will be managed jointly by President Lisa Silawati, and Past President Herman Gani.
The formation of council is being planned as we have already 5 past presidents. The council will comprise all past presidents and the current president. It will not have any executive powers in the administration of the club but will have an advisory role. It will also recommend to the BOD the succession planning of the club. Council of past president: PP dr. Onggo, PP Imran Ma'ruf, PP Yudi Kusuma, PP Herman Gani, PP Anton Pramana.
- A rural area will be targeted for a major Health Awareness and Medical Camp. The Camp will promote health awareness, advocate helthy lifestyles and at the same time undertake general medical health screening. A blood donation drive will also be held.
- In the past few years, a number of schools have sought assistance for their students who cannot afford school clothing, school fees, books and in some cases, daily meals. It is suggested that a separate fund be set up for this purpose as it appears to be an ongoing annual affair. The club views this important as it minimizes dropouts and aids, youth development and contribution to society.
- A Campaign will be held to promote environment awareness amongst school going kids. This campaign will include art competitions, exhibitions and quiz competitions.
Community Services, consisting:
- Educational safety net, managed by Committees: PP Gunadi Rusidy,rtn Hernawari Marjani, rtn Willy Christiana,PP Imran ma'ruf, rtn Matt Kraying.
- Health safety net,managed by committees: PP dr.Onggo, PP dr.Muhammad Rodhy, HM ZP Sjachroedin, rtn Akhmadi Dachlan, rtn Nedi Heryandi .